
Myoa Interview

Encore: Tell us where the message of your single, "Star Power" came from.

Myoa: I wrote that song in 2016 because I was going through a moment. I went back to Nigeria, which is were I’m from and I just had to step back and thought, "I really know my purpose and what I'm supposed to be doing on earth". I didn't want to let all the things around me stop me from fulfilling my purpose." I wanted to write lyrics anyone can sing and just feel empowered. It’s just basically a song I wanted to put out there that was personal, but also let everyone know that there is a purpose for a new day. I wanted to put a song out there with an African feel to it and some soul/pop jazz. My source and strength comes from a higher power and that’s God for me.

Encore: Tell us about the single, "Dear God", which will be on your upcoming album, "Beautiful Journey".

Myoa: I left the UK in 2007, and I went to Los Angeles Music School, it took me a year to get used to being in a different country. I would be going through moments of being in school and I would just constantly talk to God. So, I was like, "You know what, I just want to write a letter about my future." So, it was me writing a letter about my future, my past, my music and wanting to do something to change the world.

Encore: Talk to us about your musical journey from the UK to the U.S. and the challenges you faced.

Myoa: After getting my degree, I had a really good job, but I always thought there was something more to it. I wanted to explore my music, so I started doing research. What people need to know is that if you want to make the transition, like moving, you must do your research. Even after I did my research, I found a school to make myself better, because as Nigerians we’re always studying right? So, I was like let me go study, but when I moved to another country there were times I felt very alone. Even though I had friends and my school was amazing, I would have lonely nights and wonder what was going to happen after school. I would wonder, "Am I going to be like this superstar now and get my song out next?" It just didn’t happen, but I set my own path. I feel you can set your own path when you have challenges. So, I got it back together and started performing at small little venues and when they called me to perform at my schools graduation it gave me that boost. My encouragement to your readers is that if you want to take another step like moving to another country, do your research, be confident. When you move, you will face challenges, but remind yourself why you're doing it. Even when I left Los Angeles to go back to a regular day job to get some money coming through I still wasn’t defeated, because I knew the reason I left the UK, I didn’t come out here to play.

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